Top 5 Must UX Strategies that Your Business Needs Right Now

Earning more revenue by selling products online is not everyone’s cup of tea. For doing so and making your online products compelling, UX strategy plays a vital role. But a successful UX design doesn’t happen by luck, rather great UX design happens when you apply UX strategy.The term “UX Strategy” seems a little less glamorous, […]
How Good UX Can Shape The Future of Business?

Did you know, “85% of issues related to UX can be detected by performing a usability test on a group of 5 users”? “75% of users based on the entire company’s credibility relies on its website design.” “We spend a lot of time designing the bridge, but not enough time thinking about the people who […]
Why Should You Audit the Design of Your Product?

What if I tell you that Microsoft and Facebook wanted to become mobile phone giants? Yes, it happened in reality. Microsoft bought Nokia’s phone business for $7.2 billion in 2014 in order to compete against mobile phone giants Samsung and Apple.On the other hand, Facebook launched the Facebook phone in the banner of HTC First […]